Author: Trinity


New Video Equipment

Praise the Lord!! Thanks to many of our church members, viewers and listeners, we have been able to purchase our new TriCaster 40 video studio system. This system gives us a truly up-to-date system which should allow us to get our services updated online quicker and in a format many people can watch! You can now watch our services on iPhones, iPads, Android devices and any type of computer you may have! We are utilizingRead More

Updated Webpage

We’d like to apologize for our website issues this past week.  We are in the process of getting it all set back up again and even better than before. As part of the new website, we’re going to provide more links to other content that we think you will find interesting, as well as a new blog where we’ll post items of interest to you.  Please take time to read the posts and offer yourRead More

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