4th Quarter 2018
LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces

From the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces.
We invite all of you to read the newsletter, which highlights what the church is doing for our military members. Providing ministry support to the armed forces is a big undertaking and the LCMS, along with our congregations worldwide, has taken on the challenge.
[flipbook pdf=”https://trinityradioandvideo.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/LCMS-Ministry-to-the-Armed-Forces-Newsletter-October-November-December-2018.pdf” header=”Opening the latest newsletter” title=”So Help Me God Newsletter”]

Radio Club Celebrates 70 years!
Check out the article in the Faribault Daily News from March 31, 2018!!

LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces 1st Quarter Newsletter
From the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces. We invite all of you to readRead More