Notes from Trinity Radio and Video

A Wonderful Year Of Spreading God’s Word!

Wonderful New Year

Happy New Year from The Radio Club!!

What a wonderful year we’ve had.  We celebrated our 71st year of broadcasting in April.  We’ve been recording our services with video and having them on FCTV since the middle 80’s.  Our live stream on the internet has been growing since 2016.  And our focus of getting the wonderful Word of God out to the masses has not wavered!

What a Wonderful Year!

Here’s a quick run-down of what we’ve accomplished this year:

  • Broadcasted 52 regular Sunday worship services on KDHL
  • Broadcasted 14 special services (Lent, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Sunrise Easter, Advent, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day) on KDHL.
  • Live streamed all 66 services on the internet as well as made them available on YouTube.
  • Live streamed the Ordination and Installation of Simon Gatluk Reat.
  • Recorded a wedding.
  • Live streamed the Festival of Choirs.
  • Live streamed the FLS Christmas Service.
  • Provided DVDs of services to nursing home ministry.
  • Provided copies of services on DVD to members and others requesting them.
  • Held our 4th annual Wrestling Fundraiser that was attended by nearly 200 people (most of whom are NOT Trinity members).
  • Changed our methodology of delivering services to FCTV. They now pull directly from YouTube rather than us creating a DVD for them.  This gives full high-definition video to FCTV now instead of standard definition.  Much better quality.
  • Changed the format of our live streaming to add the entire service in text format alongside the video from the church. This makes it easier for people to follow along with the entire order of service.

Awesome Upgrades Happening!

We are also in the process of replacing our last two standard definition cameras with high definition cameras as well as adding a fourth camera in the back of the sanctuary.  This $7,000 upgrade was made possible due to a wonderful gift to the Radio Club by members of Trinity.  The upgrade will enhance our services and give us greater flexibility in showing our services from different angles.

Streaming Grows!

Our streaming service has grown to where we have nearly 15 people watching live each Sunday.  And that number continues to rise.  The views on our YouTube channel continues to grow, with each of our services averaging 10 views per week after we post them.  We have viewers from all over the world looking at our services on YouTube.  We also continue to grow our Facebook site.

New to our streaming service is our ability to stream live to YouTube each time we live stream a service.  This gives us yet another avenue to have people watch our services.  We are also now able to be on Amazon Fire TV, Roku and other streaming services.

We have received many compliments about our streaming service and our service availability on the internet.  Whenever we have issues with the streaming, we hear about it!  So even though we are all volunteer, we need to continue to put on a professional broadcast every time we go live.

So, what are we looking at for 2020?

Here is a list of things upcoming:

  • Our 72nd Year of broadcasting on KDHL
  • The 5th Annual Wrestling Fundraiser – Scheduled for Saturday, March 21.
  • Increasing our social media impact (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)
  • Redoing our website to make it more relevant.
  • Upgrading our video computer. This will require about $6,500 to accomplish.
  • Work with nursing homes in town to get live streaming set up and available to them so they can watch live rather than on DVD later.
  • Update our welcome video on our YouTube channel to be more dynamic.

Where We Need Help

To accomplish our goals, we need three things from the members of Trinity.

  1. We need your continued prayers. This is a very important ministry for the church, and we want to be able to continue to make it happen.  And that comes from your prayers.
  2. We need your continued contributions. Streaming costs are $1000 per year.  We also pay for licensing for streaming through CCLI.  Broadcast fees for KDHL are $11,000 per year.  The upkeep of our hardware and software is nearly $1000 per year.  We advertise on Facebook and Google which runs us $1500-$2000 per year.  We’d like to upgrade our video computer at an approximate cost of $6500.  So our costs are not small.
  3. We need your help with your talents. We are always looking for people who can run a computer, speak into a microphone or write stories for our website.  As we expand our ministry, we’d like to be able to stream all 3 services each weekend.  We’d like to be able to record more happenings at the church.  There are lots of ways you can help.  But we do need your help.

Thank you for your continued support of this ministry.  It is a labor of love for those of us in the group.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns or if you’d like to help, contact Todd Voge at 507-291-1306 or

Have a Blessed, Safe and Wonderful 2020!!