A Devotion By Pastor Paul Rieger - Senior Pastor

Getting Through Challenging Times


Getting Through Challenging Times

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”—Romans 12:12 (ESV)



How does someone rejoice when they are suffering? When you face the trials of life, how do you be patient? When the noise of this world deafens your ears, how do you lift your voice to God?

Only through new life in Christ is it possible to rejoice, show patience and praise God while facing challenges. Our hope is not some simple wish. It is placed firmly in the expectation of eternal life with God.

Because of the strength given to us by God, we know that tribulation will not remain forever. Because of the love heard in the still, small voice of God, we can raise our voices. That’s not saying this will always be easy. But through God anything is possible. And while you may not be there yet, God will bless you with his righteousness so that you can rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation and remain constant in prayer.