New Audio and Video Podcasts

Audio and Video Podcasts are Here!

We know that sometimes it is not easy to get to church.  And you’d like to listen to the pastor’s message but just don’t have the time to skim through a video to find the right starting point.

Well, search no longer!  We’ve started to post our weekly messages (sermons) to Apple iTunes podcasts as well as Google Play podcasts.  Links to both are below:

Apple Podcasts
Google Play Podcasts
Podcast RSS Feed (if you want to go your own way)

You can subscribe to our audio podcasts at either location and listen to them at your leisure.

You can also visit our Weekly Message page and have the ability to either watch the pastor’s message or you can listen to the audio recording of it.  Your choice!

We will be adding each message to the list and as we have the time/ability, adding past messages as well.  That will give you the ability to listen to any of our past messages!

We sincerely hope this helps you in your spiritual growth.  If you have any suggestions for improvements, please don’t hesitate to contact us!