New Camera!

Hi-Definition is Here!

We have entered the world of High Definition! We have replaced our oldest camera, purchased in 1998, with a new High Definition camera which will provide better clarity and much clearer picture for our recordings and our live streams.

Here is a picture of our new camera.
New HD Camera in the sanctuary

Our current set up gives us three cameras which are all remote controlled from our broadcast booth. Each of our cameras provide full pan (movement left and right), tilt (up and down) and zoom (move closer or farther away) capabilities and allow us to be able to see all portions of our sanctuary.

The broadcast booth is located in the back of our sanctuary and provides an open view of the area through a large window. Two and sometimes three personnel are in this booth for our services.

We have one announcer, who provides an opening of our services on the radio and our video broadcasts. They also announce the hymns and then a closing at the end of the service.

Our other person is the video operator. This person manages our three cameras as well as the audio sources being used (either the sanctuary or the announcer). Here is a picture of our video system being run by one of our operators, Ethan Vikla.
Our video system being run by Ethan Vikla

Remember you can join us LIVE each Sunday morning with our live stream at this link.

You can also view our past services on our YouTube Channel. We ask you subscribe to our channel as well so you can be notified when new videos are posted!

We hope you enjoy our services and invite you to send us suggestions via our email.