Devotion By Pastor Paul Rieger

Seeing The Good


Seeing the Good

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28

Sometimes it’s hard to believe the words Paul speaks here. In life where every day is different, it is hard to see good when we see evil prevail. Looking back upon the history of Paul’s time, Rome was the prevailing empire. And what was Rome good at? Politics and killing people. But Paul is not just being overly optimistic, he’s speaking about the good that comes out of suffering. In the context of Romans 8, Paul speaks first of the suffering we endure, especially pointing to the future reality that these things which we suffer cannot even compare to the future glory. So what’s good about all this? For those of us who love God, good awaits us, a good that is beyond measure and compare. Even suffering can be seen as good when we look ahead to the good that awaits us all.