A Devotion By Pastor Paul Rieger - Senior Pastor

The Power Of God’s Word


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.—Colossians 3:16 (ESV)

Let It Dwell In You

The Word of God holds great power. It is in this Word that we learn of God and His love for us. We read about Jesus’ death and resurrection for the salvation of us sinners. We read about the gift of grace, that God has given us this salvation as a gift, not to be earned.

These aren’t just idle words on paper. There is great power in these words. From the Word of God comes knowledge of sin and salvation. From the Word of God we learn about God’s character. From the Word of God, we find hope for the future.

So listen to the words of Paul and let God’s Word dwell in you richly. This means using His Word to teach, to correct one another, to sing and to make your heart leap with joy. The only way to do this, though, is to read the bible often. Every single day. For God’s Word to dwell richly in you, you must dwell richly in it so that you hear God speaking to you.