Upcoming Streaming Changes

Radio Club treasure

Streaming Today

Trinity Radio and Video has been informed that our streaming provider, Sunday Streams, has merged with BoxCast.  In the next few weeks, we will be making the change to BoxCast and updating our website with the new streaming information.

We just wanted to make you aware of this change now so you will continue to check our website.  The change should be transparent, but in case we need you to make any changes, please continue to check our website.

We’ve had a great relationship with Sunday Streams over the past 3 years.  They have been an awesome provider for us.  We are hopeful that BoxCast will continue to provide the same great service and support we have come to enjoy.  One good thing is BoxCast has absorbed the support personnel from Sunday Streams.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this transition.  We will keep you posted on when the changes will take place.

We thank you for your continued support of our ministry.

In His Service,

The Trinity Radio Club Team