Category: Streaming Ministry


Faces of the Reformation: Knight George

Knight George

Knight George Our latest Faces of the Reformation article will introduce you to the most famous person of the Reformation, Knight George. You are probably asking a couple of questions: Who is Knight George? and How could he be the most famous person of the Reformation? Read on and find out! In 1521, the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, called Martin Luther to a special meeting in the German city of Worms. Luther thought heRead More

Faces of the Reformation: Lucas Cranach, The Elder


The Reformation The year 2017 is an important one in Lutheran history. It was 500 years ago, in October, that Martin Luther nailed his 95 these to the church door in Wittenberg in an attempt to “Reform” the Catholic church. We would like to use this year to inform you about some of the people and events that are important in our church Reformation history. We want to introduce you to important people who wereRead More

New Streaming Apps Available!

Streaming App

Live Streaming! Our new streaming apps are available for download and install at the Google Play and Apple App Stores! These new apps will be used to view our new streaming services starting on June 4. We have decided to go with Sunday Streams as our streaming provider instead of This will save us money for monthly streaming charges as well as allow us to offer more capability for you to be able toRead More

Who is Trinity Radio and Video Services?


Beginnings – The Radio In January of 1948, a new radio station started broadcasting in the Faribault, MN area.  KDHL, AM 920 was the new local station playing music, and giving local news. KDHL was looking for other programming and some forward-looking members of Trinity Lutheran Church in Faribault thought it would be a great opportunity to spread the wonderful Word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with the area.  So this small groupRead More

New Camera!

Hi-Definition is Here! We have entered the world of High Definition! We have replaced our oldest camera, purchased in 1998, with a new High Definition camera which will provide better clarity and much clearer picture for our recordings and our live streams. Here is a picture of our new camera. Our current set up gives us three cameras which are all remote controlled from our broadcast booth. Each of our cameras provide full pan (movementRead More