Category: Trinity Church


The Foolishness of Making Excuses


The Word of the Lord: (Luke 14:16-21) Jesus replied: “A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’ But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.’ Another said, ‘I haveRead More

What is Pentecost?


On June 4, the Church celebrated Pentecost Sunday.  But what is that?  Why is it important? Here is an article from Dr. Gerhard Bode from Concordia Theological Seminary who explains the significance of this day.  This was taken from The Lutheran Witness (link). The Gift of The Holy Spirit by Dr. Gerhard Bode The miracle of Pentecost is not merely a past historical event. The Spirit’s wondrous activity goes on in the Church today. WhatRead More

The Lord is Our Shepherd


Shepherd One of the best known and beloved psalms is Psalm 23, the Shepherd Psalm. There we learn that the Lord is our shepherd. And since He is our shepherd, we will not want. We will not suffer want because the Lord, our shepherd, will lead us to green pastures and beside still waters. In other words, the Lord, our shepherd, will provide for all that we need in both body and soul. Yet, weRead More

Faces of the Reformation: Frederick the Wise

Frederick the Wise

The Catholic Church As you have read about people who are important in the Reformation history, you have read the name “Frederick the Wise.” Before you read more about Frederick, however, a little history lesson is important to understand. At the time that Luther lived in Germany, much of the world was controlled by the Catholic church and was called “The Holy Roman Empire.” The ruler of the Empire at that time was Charles V.Read More

Faces of the Reformation: Knight George

Knight George

Knight George Our latest Faces of the Reformation article will introduce you to the most famous person of the Reformation, Knight George. You are probably asking a couple of questions: Who is Knight George? and How could he be the most famous person of the Reformation? Read on and find out! In 1521, the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, called Martin Luther to a special meeting in the German city of Worms. Luther thought heRead More

Faces of the Reformation: Lucas Cranach, The Elder


The Reformation The year 2017 is an important one in Lutheran history. It was 500 years ago, in October, that Martin Luther nailed his 95 these to the church door in Wittenberg in an attempt to “Reform” the Catholic church. We would like to use this year to inform you about some of the people and events that are important in our church Reformation history. We want to introduce you to important people who wereRead More

Who is Trinity Radio and Video Services?


Beginnings – The Radio In January of 1948, a new radio station started broadcasting in the Faribault, MN area.  KDHL, AM 920 was the new local station playing music, and giving local news. KDHL was looking for other programming and some forward-looking members of Trinity Lutheran Church in Faribault thought it would be a great opportunity to spread the wonderful Word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with the area.  So this small groupRead More

New Camera!

Hi-Definition is Here! We have entered the world of High Definition! We have replaced our oldest camera, purchased in 1998, with a new High Definition camera which will provide better clarity and much clearer picture for our recordings and our live streams. Here is a picture of our new camera. Our current set up gives us three cameras which are all remote controlled from our broadcast booth. Each of our cameras provide full pan (movementRead More