Category: Uncategorized
Advent Season Begins!

Advent Begins! Please join our Trinity Family as we begin our Advent Season! Advent is the season where we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. What is Advent? Today, the season of Advent lasts for four Sundays leading up to Christmas. At that time, the new Christian year begins with the twelve-day celebration of Christmastide, which lasts from Christmas Eve until Epiphany on January 6. (Advent begins on the Sunday thatRead More
Unwrapping the Gifts – Advent Season Devotions

With the coming of Thanksgiving this week, we also look forward to the Advent season. Advent is where we, as Christians, prepare for the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a joyous time and one that we very much look forward to each year. This year, we would like to offer the following guide for devotions for your family this Advent season. This is from the Lutheran Church – Missouri SynodRead More
Thankful Stewardship

Stewardship November has come and with it brings cold weather, Thanksgiving, and Trinity’s stewardship focus. I am truly excited about stewardship this year because we will be visited by sons from our congregation who have moved into the office of Holy Ministry. This month we will have the Reverend Richard Kelm, the Reverend Mark Schulz, and the Reverend Jon Niebuhr leading us in our understanding of how God wants us to use our time, treasures,Read More
We Belong to God

God is OUR Father! Our Father in heaven has claimed us as His own. By the shedding of His Son’s blood, by the His death for our sins and His resurrection for our justification, God the Father has received us back into His family. By water combined with His Word, promise, and name, the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in us. We belong to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is in us, andRead More
Faces of the Reformation – Pastor Johannes Bugenhagen

Who Is Johannes Bugenhagen? Our final Face of the Reformation is Johannes Bugenhagen, who is famous for two reasons: he was Martin Luther’s pastor and confessor in Wittenberg, and he helped to spread the Reformation truths throughout Northern Germany and Scandinavia. Bugenhagen was born in 1485 in the city of Wolin in the district of Pomerania. He studied at the University of Greifswald and eventually was ordained as a priest for St. Mary’s Church inRead More
The Importance of Repentance

What is Repentance? “When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, ‘Repent’(Matthew 4:17), He willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance,” so wrote Martin Luther in the first of the 95 Theses which he posted on the door of the castle church at Wittenberg in regards to Repentance. Repentance is probably something to which we do not pay a lot of attention in our everyday life. Yet it is something thatRead More
Faces of the Reformation – Johann Tetzel

Who Was Johannes Tetzel? For our next installment of our Reformation history, dear readers, you will read about one of the most well known people in the Reformation story and also one of the most unpopular people in the Reformation story! You will read about Johann or Johannes Tetzel. Johann Tetzel was born in 1465 in Pirna, in Saxony, Germany. He attended the University of Leipzig and when he graduated with a bachelor of artsRead More
A Life of Learning

The School Year Starts! Again, a new school year starts. That leads me to think about education and wonder what we’re doing for education. So what are you doing for education? Do you read constantly? Do you watch videos online? Do you find new hobbies to learn new skills? It’s generally a good idea for us to constantly seek to improve ourselves, through learning new skills and the like. So what are you doing toRead More
Faces of the Reformation – Luther’s Children

Luther’s Children In our series, Faces of the Reformation, you have read about several people who are important to the Reformation history. God used these men in different ways to spread the message that Martin Luther wanted people to know – that it is only through grace alone and faith alone, learned through the scriptures alone, that we may be sure of our salvation. In this post you will learn about a more personal sideRead More
Why do we suffer trials?

by Matthew C. Harrison Trials? What is the purpose of trials in the Christian life? So often the afflictions of sin, death and the devil are multiplied in the lives of Christians! Should we expect this? Jesus said, “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you” (JOHN 15:18). It is also true that Christians often become more sensitive to their sins and shortcomings when they study what God’sRead More