Category: Worship


Reflecting on Lent


Lent is Here! Lent has started and March is packed full of Lenten services. So what is the point of Lent? Lent is a solemn time, a time of reflection, a time where we prepare to celebrate our risen Lord. In this season of Lent, we put away our alleluias, we put a veil on the cross, and we turn to focus on ourselves. Lent is a very different season in our calendar. Usually we’reRead More

Anniversary Time!

Trinity Radio Anniversary

Greetings from the Trinity Radio Club! It’s been a very busy time for us in the Radio Room! Over the last few years, we’ve updated our computer systems, added a new high-definition camera, brought our services to YouTube, expanded our website and introduced Live Streaming of our services over the Internet. And we’ve also continued our broadcast over KDHL radio. And it’s time for an anniversary! Our History Did you know, that the radio broadcastRead More

LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces 1st Quarter Newsletter


From the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces. We invite all of you to read the newsletter, which highlights what the church is doing for our military members.  Providing support to the armed forces is a big undertaking and the LCMS, along with our congregations worldwide, has taken on the challenge. [flipbook pdf=”” header=”Opening the latest newsletter” title=”So Help Me God Newsletter”]

The Power of the Cross of Jesus Christ


Saved by Faith Alone John 12:32: “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” When Jesus died on the cross, He brought to the hearts of people numerous gifts and blessings. Above all Jesus gave us the forgiveness of sins and smashed the wall that people had built, on account of their sins, between themselves and the Almighty. When Jesus commended His soul to His Heavenly FatherRead More

Closer to the Day of Our Salvation

God is my Salvation

The New Year What do you think about the new year? Is it something that excites you or is it something you’re not too ready for? Time is constantly moving onward; we feel it as we age and our bodies groan as our joints get older.  St. Paul tells us in Romans 13, “For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.” Do you ever think of the passage of time likeRead More

Merry Christmas From Our Family To Yours!!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas From Trinity! From our family at Trinity Lutheran Church in Faribault, Minnesota, we send our heartfelt prayers to you and your family.  May this Christmas celebration gives you peace and hope. Jesus came as a baby to live among us. Be with us. Teach us. Be a perfect example to us. And, most importantly, die for us. The ultimate Christmas gift is ours! We do not deserve this gift. But our God lovesRead More

The Christmas Truce of WW I – December 24, 1914

Christmas Day truce

Truce! It is so hard to believe, that in the heat of battle, in one of the most horrific wars the face of this planet has ever seen, civility could break out, at least for a time. This happened on Christmas Eve, 1914, late in the evening when British and German forces, arrayed across from each other in foxholes on the Western Front, stopped shooting at each other and instead, sang to each other. OnRead More

Special Services for Christmas

Celebrating a Birth! We’re down to the final week before we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! What a joyous time! Knowing that God loved us, the totally unworthy sinners, so much that he sent Jesus to be with us and die for us. He came to us just as any other person. The baby Jesus was special. He lived as one of us. But yet, He knew He had a job toRead More

The Christmas Feast

The Christmas Feast Christmas is coming. It is a joyous time of feasting. The Church feasts upon the Word of God in sermon, song, and sacrament. We hear the proclamation of the message of the angels: “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (LukeRead More

Jesus Came Down on Christmas Day

The Word of the Lord. John 1:14: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”  All other revelries connected to Christmas are a pointless display unless behind them there is an appreciation of the amazing event that Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem to be our Savior and Lord. The closeness of God isRead More