Rev. Dr. Michael Nirva - Senior Pastor - Trinity Lutheran Church

Jesus Christ’s Love for Sinners


The Word of the Lord: John 8:11 “Go and sin no more.”

Are You Without Sin?

This woman of whom John tells us certainly never forgot Jesus words: “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” Just a little while earlier the adulteress was certain that she was going to be stoned to death. But now every one of her accusers had left, and she only saw Jesus.  The woman had fallen into sin as we all have. She could not deny that her accusers were right and that she was wrong. Jesus did not gloss over her guilt. Neither did Jesus say that she was not worthy of death He simply said that anyone who had never sinned could throw the first stone at her. Had you or I been there, would we have dared to throw a stone?

We who love the Savior will be troubled by our sins. We remember shameful things we have done and are extremely glad that people cannot read our minds. But we remember that the Almighty knows all our thoughts. Therefore, we may wonder if we can be forgiven. When this happens, we can remember the story of this woman. We hear what Jesus said to her: “Neither do I condemn you.” He also told her to sin no more.


So we ask His forgiveness and know that he is always willing to forgive those who come with repentant hearts. We have fallen into sin too but have been raised by Jesus’ forgiveness. This is the Gospel, good news, Jesus has taken upon Himself the sin of the world. To do this Jesus assumed the full blame of our transgression and guilt. With this burden of sin, He went to Calvary, suffered the penalty of our disobedience, was forsaken of God, endured that pangs of hell, shed His blood, agonized the punishment of divine wrath, and brought us back to God’s grace. By and through Jesus’ personal resurrection God proclaimed humanity’s freedom from the powers of darkness and made us citizens of His kingdom.

This divine and heavenly love leads us to give to others. The greatest gift we have to share is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And the amazing thing is that even if we give it away ten times each day, we still have it. In fact, the more we give it away, the more we may appreciate it and cherish it for ourselves. God’s forgiving love has the power to change lives for the better.
