Podcast – Apr 19, 2019 – It Is Finished

Radio Club treasure

It Is Finished

Why do we call the day that Jesus was crucified, “Good Friday”?  That makes no sense!  What’s so good about it?  Jesus was killed!  He died.  His last words, “It is finished”, brings to the end the ministry of Jesus Christ.  But does it really?  NO!  When Jesus says that phrase, he is telling us that he conquered death for us!  It no longer holds us in its grip.  It is a GOOD Friday!

This podcast is somewhat different than the others.  Pastor Paul Rieger takes us through the final day of Jesus’ life and up to his death.  The end of the recording has a very loud noise which denotes the death of Jesus.  Join us as we hear about the final hours of our wonderful Savior.

We hope this message is uplifting for you and brings you closer to God and the salvation He gives us.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this podcast, please contact us at info@trinityradioandvideo.org