Category: Advent


Podcast – Dec 23, 2018 – The Magnificat

Radio Club treasure

The Magnificat This week, Pastor Paul Rieger speaks about Mary, the mother of Jesus and The Magnificat.  What would you think if an angel came to you and said that you were pregnant and going to bear a son.  And oh yeah, as shocking as that is, the baby you are carrying will save the ENTIRE WORLD!  What would you do?  How would you react?  Listen this week to hear how Mary reacted.  Would youRead More

Podcast – Dec 16, 2018 – Are You The Messiah?

Radio Club treasure

Are You the Messiah? The third Sunday in Advent continues the story of John the Baptist.  Today, Pastor Paul Rieger talks about how people mistakenly looked at John as the Messiah.  Listen as Pastor Rieger explains how this confusion set in and how John dealt with it. We hope this message is uplifting for you and brings you closer to God and the salvation He gives us. If you have any questions or comments regardingRead More

Podcast – Dec 12, 2018 – Hope

Radio Club treasure

Hope This is the 2nd week of our special mid-week Advent services.  The message series Pastor Paul Rieger is conducting is based off of 1st Corinthians 13:13 which says, And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. Last message, Pastor Rieger talked of Faith.  This time, the message is about Hope. We hope this message is uplifting for you and brings you closer to God and theRead More

Podcast – Dec 9, 2018 – Prepare the Way of the Lord

Radio Club treasure

Prepare the Way of the Lord John the Baptist came before Jesus and started to lay the groundwork for the coming of the Savior. As we begin the second week of Advent Pastor Paul Rieger talks about how John paved the way for Jesus, he tells us to prepare. We hear how John began letting people know that the Savior that was prophesied about for all those years was actually coming to be with US!Read More

Podcast – December 2, 2018 – Salvation is Near

Radio Club treasure

Salvation is Near As we begin the Advent season, we look forward to the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Today’s message from Pastor Paul Rieger talks about Salvation.  Jesus was sent on our behalf by His Father to do the unthinkable.  He was sent here to DIE for us!  The sinful masses.  What a gift! So as the start of the new church year starts, we ask you to join us asRead More

The Beginning of the Church Year

Salvation is Near

What is Advent? This week, we begin the new Church Year. But you may ask, “Isn’t starting the church year the first week in December rather strange? Most organizations use the calendar year!” Well, there is a good reason for this! The period leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, called “Advent”, begins the change from the Law to the Gospel. Advent means “the arrival” and is traditionally the seasonRead More

God’s Gift of Jesus Christ

The Greatest Gift

The Reason for the Season It seems our world is getting so cynical. Even in the joyous Christmas season, we only hear cynicism. Rather than rejoicing in people’s generosity to one another, we throw around statements like, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Sure that’s true, but is that how we should speak? Maybe I’m just being cynical myself, but I think we need to change the conversation. The season of Christmas for soRead More

Advent 2018 Begins

Advent Candles

Advent 2018 The beginning of the new church year is beginning!  We celebrate the Advent season which has the meaning of “Coming”.  It is during this time period, we look forward to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Advent celebrates both the beginning, the birth of Jesus, as well as the forthcoming end, when Jesus comes back to raise up the saved people of His Father.  We prepare for His birth during the fourRead More