Pastor Paul Rieger

Goings On At Trinity

The state of things

From the desk of Pastor Rieger

Rather than a relevant devotion like we normally have for our newsletter, I thought it would be appropriate to update and inform many of you of the goings on around here.

First, many of you have asked how I am doing with the increased workload. Truthfully? I’m doing fine. Of course it has been very busy but, like I’ve told many of you, it’s a good busy. I’m busy serving, preaching, and performing my pastoral duties. You all respect my day off and let me rest. God has blessed me with a good wife who takes good care of me. And so that leaves me to make sure I am managing my time well.

The Call Process Begins

But that leads me into the next thing, we’re beginning the call process. Please do not think that we’re trying to be disrespectful to Pastor Nirva or his memory; this is a time where we as a church are in need. We continually need to reach outside of our church, as well as reach those in our church, and with our size, that’s a two-man job.

So what do you need to do about the call committee? Well, a few of you have volunteered to serve on the committee and a few of you have been chosen by the LLB to bring input for our church’s needs. But what is needed from all of us is to be present and persistent at the meetings called by the call committee for the church’s input. And we need to pray. Pray for the call committee, pray for us to have insight into what our church needs, pray for God to send us a servant soon.

Looking for a Vision

Next, I need help with casting a vision for this church. I have my own ideas, but I want yours as well. If you would like to help, then answer these two questions: 1). what does Trinity specifically need to be doing, and 2). what do you want Trinity to look like in five years? Email me your answers to I will then compile the answers and use them to create a vision.

Spreading the Word

And finally, I want to call you to action. In discussions with many, people often comment on how we need to get younger families to be a part of our church. This happens when you bring them and you seek them out and welcome them. And also happens when you put aside any and all judgements because they come to church to be changed and made new, they are not perfect when they come. And friends, you have to do this. This isn’t the job of one or two people, this is a job for all.

Paul writes in Ephesians 2, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” With that in mind, let’s get to work.