Category: Streaming


The Marks Of A Strong Church


(Acts 2:42) They devoted themselves to the apostles’ doctrine and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Towards the end of Acts 2, we read in verse 42 of the first church, “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ doctrine and to the fellowship, and to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.” In the last part of verse 47, St. Luke writes, “And the Lord added to their number daily thoseRead More

The Days To Come


What’s Going to Happen? We’re all aware of Pastor Nirva’s recent diagnosis and the long road that he now has to walk. I bet that a lot of you have worries in your heart, remembering the days when our church struggled to find a pastor.  What’s going to happen? I’ve had a lot more put on my plate as I cover so that Pastor Nirva can focus more on getting better. But what’s going toRead More

Wonderful Article About the Radio Club

Visit Audrey’s Blog by clicking Here. You need a Frames Capable browser to view this content.

Thank You For 70 Years of Support!

70th Anniversary

70 Year of Spreading the Word! Trinity Radio and Video Services (The Trinity Radio Club) would like to take this opportunity to thank the congregation for supporting this ministry for 70 years! It is because of your vision and foresight that we have been on the air for this long. This past month, we celebrated our 70th anniversary. It’s hard to believe that this volunteer-driven ministry has been able to continue for this long. ButRead More

Anniversary Time Part 2!

Radio Club Anniversary

Anniversary!  70 Years Strong Spreading the Word! Our anniversary is upon us! 70 years ago, on April 7, the Trinity Radio Council was born. Last month, we focused on the history of the Radio Club. This month we’ll get into the video ministry and where we see ourselves over the next 70 years! Video? From a Radio Club? YES! As the radio ministry continued, new technology made it less expensive for organizations to start lookingRead More

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Brings Newness of Life


The Word of the Lord – Romans 6:4: “Just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Jesus Lives! Easter is the greatest day in human history because it proclaims the victory of Jesus Christ over the forces of sin, death, and the devil. Paul tells of this victory in Romans 6:4, when he says, “Just as Christ was raised from the deadRead More

Reflecting on Lent


Lent is Here! Lent has started and March is packed full of Lenten services. So what is the point of Lent? Lent is a solemn time, a time of reflection, a time where we prepare to celebrate our risen Lord. In this season of Lent, we put away our alleluias, we put a veil on the cross, and we turn to focus on ourselves. Lent is a very different season in our calendar. Usually we’reRead More

Anniversary Time!

Trinity Radio Anniversary

Greetings from the Trinity Radio Club! It’s been a very busy time for us in the Radio Room! Over the last few years, we’ve updated our computer systems, added a new high-definition camera, brought our services to YouTube, expanded our website and introduced Live Streaming of our services over the Internet. And we’ve also continued our broadcast over KDHL radio. And it’s time for an anniversary! Our History Did you know, that the radio broadcastRead More

LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces 1st Quarter Newsletter


From the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces. We invite all of you to read the newsletter, which highlights what the church is doing for our military members.  Providing support to the armed forces is a big undertaking and the LCMS, along with our congregations worldwide, has taken on the challenge. [flipbook pdf=”” header=”Opening the latest newsletter” title=”So Help Me God Newsletter”]

The Power of the Cross of Jesus Christ


Saved by Faith Alone John 12:32: “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” When Jesus died on the cross, He brought to the hearts of people numerous gifts and blessings. Above all Jesus gave us the forgiveness of sins and smashed the wall that people had built, on account of their sins, between themselves and the Almighty. When Jesus commended His soul to His Heavenly FatherRead More