Category: Worship


Advent 2018 Begins

Advent Candles

Advent 2018 The beginning of the new church year is beginning!  We celebrate the Advent season which has the meaning of “Coming”.  It is during this time period, we look forward to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Advent celebrates both the beginning, the birth of Jesus, as well as the forthcoming end, when Jesus comes back to raise up the saved people of His Father.  We prepare for His birth during the fourRead More

Blessed To Be A Blessing

Blessed To Be A Blessing

Thanksgiving As with every November, I think of Thanksgiving. The thanksgiving readings every year feature the story of the lepers who are healed by Jesus and the one leper who returns thankful to Jesus in Luke 17. After you preach on it a couple of times it starts to lose meaning for you. So I started looking a little differently at it. What I want us to reflect upon is how can we be someoneRead More

Podcast – Oct 21, 2018 – The Purpose of Stewardship

Radio Club treasure

The Purpose of Stewardship This week Pastor Rieger takes on the sometimes derogatory term, Stewardship.  This has become a four-letter word in churches because the first thing people think about is money.  But that isn’t really the case.  It means much more than just money.  It is about time, talents and the gifts we receive from God.  Listen this week as Pastor Rieger helps remove the veil and shows that it isn’t a four-letter word!Read More

Podcast – October 14, 2018 – True Riches

Radio Club treasure

True Riches Join Pastor Paul Rieger as he talks about how Jesus continued to challenge the status quo as He went through his ministry.  Pastor talks about how sin and the devil try to continue to pull us away from the one true God.  And he gives us suggestions on how to continue to stay on the path God lays before us.  Listen as pastor lays out our True Riches. We hope this message isRead More

Podcast – October 7, 2018 – The Rest We Share

Radio Club treasure

Podcast is HERE! This is the first of our new weekly podcast! For those who don’t have time to watch our services or would like to just listen to the message our pastors give each week, we’d like to invite you to subscribe! Each week, we will take the message from our service and post it as a podcast.  This way you will be able to listen at your leisure as well as refer backRead More

LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces

Independence Day

From the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces. We invite all of you to read the newsletter, which highlights what the church is doing for our military members. Providing support to the armed forces is a big undertaking and the LCMS, along with our congregations worldwide, has taken on the challenge. [flipbook pdf=”” header=”Opening the latest newsletter” title=”So Help Me God Newsletter”]

Serving the Church is Serving the Lord

Serving God

We Have A Problem Trinity has a big problem right now. We need more people to help in various places. We have people burning out because they have been serving on one committee for a very long time. And we have many places where there are great needs. On Rally Day, I was disappointed to see that not many people had signed up to do things. Now I am not trying to be rude toRead More

Goings On At Trinity

The state of things

From the desk of Pastor Rieger Rather than a relevant devotion like we normally have for our newsletter, I thought it would be appropriate to update and inform many of you of the goings on around here. First, many of you have asked how I am doing with the increased workload. Truthfully? I’m doing fine. Of course it has been very busy but, like I’ve told many of you, it’s a good busy. I’m busyRead More

VBS: Rescued By Jesus


Vacation Bible School As August rolls around, we now see another round of VBS. I love VBS. I love seeing our people get together and serve some kids. I love seeing the kids jump around and have fun. I love seeing the adults being goofy with the kids. I love it all. What I love most about it, though, is the opportunity we have to teach these kids about God’s love for them. For us,Read More

Why We Celebrate – Freedom and Liberties


“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Gal. 5:1). Licentiousness We celebrate this month because of the freedoms and liberties our country has afforded us. We are right to do this. We should be thankful for these liberties: the freedom to gather together to worship and to live out what we believe in our daily lives. But freedom and liberty in ourRead More