Category: Radio Club


Update On the Trinity Radio Club

Radio Club treasure

Greetings from the Trinity Radio Club! We hope your summer has been wonderful. Now that fall is upon us, we thought it would be a good time to give you an update as to what we’ve been up to.  Your Radio Club has been busy! Under the leadership of Becky Spitzack, a great crew of people volunteered a Saturday morning to go out and clean up our section of Interstate 35. They found 12 hugeRead More

Serving the Church is Serving the Lord

Serving God

We Have A Problem Trinity has a big problem right now. We need more people to help in various places. We have people burning out because they have been serving on one committee for a very long time. And we have many places where there are great needs. On Rally Day, I was disappointed to see that not many people had signed up to do things. Now I am not trying to be rude toRead More

Goings On At Trinity

The state of things

From the desk of Pastor Rieger Rather than a relevant devotion like we normally have for our newsletter, I thought it would be appropriate to update and inform many of you of the goings on around here. First, many of you have asked how I am doing with the increased workload. Truthfully? I’m doing fine. Of course it has been very busy but, like I’ve told many of you, it’s a good busy. I’m busyRead More

VBS: Rescued By Jesus


Vacation Bible School As August rolls around, we now see another round of VBS. I love VBS. I love seeing our people get together and serve some kids. I love seeing the kids jump around and have fun. I love seeing the adults being goofy with the kids. I love it all. What I love most about it, though, is the opportunity we have to teach these kids about God’s love for them. For us,Read More

Why We Celebrate – Freedom and Liberties


“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Gal. 5:1). Licentiousness We celebrate this month because of the freedoms and liberties our country has afforded us. We are right to do this. We should be thankful for these liberties: the freedom to gather together to worship and to live out what we believe in our daily lives. But freedom and liberty in ourRead More

Independence Day and Faith

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day Greetings from the Trinity Radio Club! We pray that your Independence Day holiday has been filled with happiness and fun. The reason we celebrate this day is important. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. It was this document that set our country on the road to the Revolutionary War and after years of battle, independence from Great Britain. “When in the Course of human eventsRead More

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

“What’s wrong with us?” Some of us must be feeling, “What’s wrong with us?” This congregation has certainly been hit with hard times. Losing one pastor to Alzheimer’s, losing another to cancer, seeing many pastors come through but not stay, and so on and so on. We saw our school go from hundreds to less than a hundred. We’ve seen people die, we’ve seen friends and family leave, we have seen it all. Why doesRead More

A Final Message From Pastor Nirva

Pastor Michael Nirva

1 Peter 5:6-7 “6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” Remember the baby giraffe story. The mother giraffe gives birth to the baby. The baby struggles, wobbles and finally gets to its feet. But just as the baby has managed its first triumph, the mom does the most ungracious and seemingly cruelRead More

Celebration of Life – Rev Dr Michael Nirva


Rev. Dr. Michael Nirva – 1962-2018 The family of Pastor Michael Nirva, Trinity’s Senior Pastor, has let us know the plans for the Celebration of Life service to be held at Trinity. We will be celebrating Pastor Nirva’s life and ministry on Saturday, July 14, 2018 at 10:30 am here at Trinity Lutheran Church in Faribault, MN.  Visitation will be Friday, July 13, 2018 from 4pm – 7pm also at Trinity. This service will beRead More

LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces – 2nd Quarter


From the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces. We invite all of you to read the newsletter, which highlights what the church is doing for our military members. Providing support to the armed forces is a big undertaking and the LCMS, along with our congregations worldwide, has taken on the challenge. [flipbook pdf=”” header=”Opening the latest newsletter” title=”So Help Me God Newsletter”]